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Mid Line Stability Exercises

What follows is a short list of some of my favorite core or midline stability exercises.

It’s best to work them into your training in parts of your program that call for midline work or where you need to put in a core exercise because you are either

A) injured and can’t do a listed movement but can still do core work or

B) need to take it easy that day due to fatigue, tiredness, lack of sleep etc

Please just pick one or two unless you’re going to do a core circuit of a max of three exercises for 4-5 sets.

Core work should NEVER be viewed as a means to get better abs or a slimmer waist. We do core work to help us stay strong enough to handle loads for deadlifts, squats, rows, push ups, kettlebell swings etc. I recommend that you nail down a solid 30secs in a hollow hold with feet 6inches off the floor and no arch in the lower part of the back (how to do this is here) for 3-4 sets with 60secs rest between efforts and 30secs holding a plank position with toes pointed (how to do that here) for 3-4 sets with 60secs rest between efforts.

Ab wheel rollouts

Ab wheel rollouts standing with band assistance

Ab wheel rollouts double wheel

Barbell chops

Barbell rollouts and progressions

Banded core chops

Chinese Planks

Core complex – flutter and scissors kicks, hollow to knee tuck, hollow hold

Core push ups

Dragon Flag tutorial – pick a variation you can do

Dragon flags with plate or dumbbells

Hollow hold to knee tuck or V-up

Hollow with barbell for front lever progression

Knees to elbow strict

L-sit and progressions

Lateral medicine ball toss

Partner Core Drops

Partner superman to handstand core exercise

Pallof press – kneeling, standing etc

Plank variations

Plank position with toes pointed

Rear elevated hip support (with or without hip touches)

Reverse hollow holds

Seal Drags

Seal drags with dumbbells

Shoot throughs

Side bends

Straight leg sit ups weighted

Toes to bar tutorial (also covers knees to elbow)

Windshield wipers

Overall, try to move from starting with holding and bracing exercises to teach you how to get tight e.g. toes pointed plank, pallov press, knee tuck holds, L-sit holds, hollow holds and from there progress onto movement that have a few more moving parts but at their foundation is your ability to engage your core first.