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Exercises A-Z - The Full Directory

The complete list of exercises A-Z which we recommend and like doing. These are described fully including common form errors made by people so you know what to avoid.

These link to Youtube videos which are performed by Dominic or Grainne.

If you find these videos helpful you can subscribe to our Youtube channel here.


Ab wheel rollouts

Ab wheel rollouts band assisted

Ab rollouts with foamroll

Adductor Massage

Archer Rows


Chair Workout

Chest stretch off bench

Chest stretch with bands

Chest stretch with partner

Core push ups

Core Complex Exercises

Core - 4 Essential Exercises

Cruches (Boomerang)

Chinese Planks (can be performed face up or down) 



Elevated rear support with hip touches

External rotator cuff exercise

External rotator cuff exercise (supported) 


Glute ham falls with partner

Glute Stretch

Glute work with bands

Glute bridge kickback with bands


Hammer Curls

Handstands - Wall facing work

Hamstring work

Hollow - Core Complex

Hollow to knee tuck or V-up

Hurdle hops – facing and lateral

Hops - Single leg Lateral


Leg Curl Foam Roll

Lunges (front rack) 

Lunges - reverse with band

lunges onto a step with dumbbells or kettlebells

L-sit holds or tuck holds on parallel bars

L-sit holds hanging

L-sit pull ups

L-sit to kipping muscle up

Lateral medicine ball toss


Pistols – demo and tutorial

Pistols – how to scale

Pistols (holding something assisted) 

Pistols (band assisted) 

Pistols – candlestick to pistol

Pistols (weighted) 

Pike ups

Powell Raise (from the front) 

Powell raise (from the back) 

Pallof press standing and half kneeling

Plank to hollow hold

Plank - Side knee to elbow

Plate pullovers

Prone raises with hold

Pretzel stretch -

Push jerks

Push press barbell

Push press dumbbells

Push ups hand release

Push ups reverse hand position

Push ups off box or bench (use what ever height you need)

Push ups banded

Push ups weighted

Push ups weighted with backpack

Pull ups (strict, kipping and butterfly) 

Pull ups band assisted

Pull ups jumping and banded

Pull ups on rope (can be weighted or non-weighted) 

Pull up with towel (good sub instead of rope pull ups or rope climbs) 

Pull ups band decline


Split squats with barbell

Seal drags

Shoulder dislocates

Shoulder dislocates flow figure 8

Shoulder rows

Shoot through

Side plank reach through

Side bends dumbbell or kettlebell

 Single leg deadlift landmine -

Shoulder warm up three way -

Shoulder bully stretch -

Sit ups

Sit ups anchored

Sit ups with barbell

Sit ups weighted

Skipping -the basics

Ring work- basics tutorial

Split stretch

Squats – how to set up and breathing

Kettlebell or Dumbbell swing into squat

Pistol Squat to a bench tutorial

11/4 Bulgarian Squat tutorial

Straddle ups


Bretzel Stretch

Band Drills - Long and Short Bands

Band pull apart

Band Chops

T-Spine Rotation - Band assisted

Band Pull Apart Single Arm

Band resisted sprints

Band broad jumps

Band Lateral jumps

Band Straddle jumps

Back extension Rows

Bar rollovers and pullovers

Bench press (dumbbells) 

Bench Press (Single Arm)

Bicep Curls Slow

Box Jumps (weighted) 

Broad jumps banded and non-banded


Burpee Tutorial - no pushup


Desk Reset - Perfect for the office

Downward dog toe taps

Dog Up Dog Down corrections

Dragon Flags

Dumbbell Skier Swings

Deadbug - Banded


Front lever progression with a bar

False Grip Pullups on rings

Front Lever Progressions

Front splits progressions

Front splits from couch stretch

Frog pumps


IYT with bands


Jefferson curls

Jefferson curls into goblet squat -

Jefferson curls wide stance -


Jerk drills


Kettlebell swings

Kettlebell snatch

Kettlebell snatch (double kettlebell) 

Kneeling Push Press

Kneeling power jumps

Kneeling power jumps onto step/plate/box etc


Mobility - 4 Main Areas to Test and Treat

Medicine Ball Drills

Muscle up – 4 most important drills

Muscle up ring basics

Muscle up bar basics

Muscle up rings drills

Muscle up bar with band assistance

Muscle up weighted



One and a quarter squats



Reverse hollow hold

Renegade Rows

Ring dip to rollover

Rolling Triceps Extensions

Rope climb basics

Rope Climb Legless

Rope Climb in L-sit

Rope Climbs (Negative Only)

Rows (rings, dumbbell, unsuported etc shown) 

Rows using bands

Rows bent over using kettlebells or dumbbells

Rows bent over with barbell

Russian twists


T-Spine Rotation

Thrusters (barbell) 

Triceps Pressdowns Banded

Tripcep Plank Press Tutorial

Toes to bar strict

Toes to bar kipping and tutorial

Triple unders


Wall facing handstand press ups

Weighted shoulder flex pulls

Weighted face down shoulder dislocates

X - Z

X-band walks