Simple Workouts to Get Started or if you are home with minimal equipment


Here is a Simple Workout for when you are travelling or to get started:-

If you have never workout before, make sure you are medically cleared to do so. Take breaks if you need them.  All the exercises are covered in my Exercise A-Z if you need them.

Active Warm Up - here.

Foam roll an area e.g. thighs, stretch the thighs using the calf and pigeon stretch. Do some squats holding a post or door frame, do some forward bends.

Foam roll the calves, stretch them using the single leg dog down stretch. Do some squats holding a post or door frame, do some forward bends.

Foam roll the upper back and stretch the shoulders doing the band dislocates.

Workout – 5 Rounds

Sumo deadlift high pull – 10 reps

Plank to pushup – 6-8 reps per side

Russian Twist – 10 reps per side

Lateral hops – 10 reps

Stretch and Cool Down

As per the warm up but concentrate on rolling and stretching any area which feels particularly tight.